Is there a large print version of The Bluebook available for low vision?

Unfortunately The Bluebook is not available in large print. However, The Bluebook Online, which is available as an annual subscription, has the same content of the printed version plus some added features. You may increase the font size for your browser by zooming in on the page. In addition, it is also compatible with most screen readers. You can sign up for a free, no-strings trial to the Bluebook Online to try it out:

You may adjust the font size for your current browser, window, or tab by zooming in on the page. Note that since this is a temporary solution, font size may not save if you open another tab or window.

For Windows users:
Press the CTRL and + keys to zoom in, and the CTRL and - keys to zoom out.

For Mac OS X users:
Press the CMD and + keys to zoom in, and the CMD and - keys to zoom out.

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