How to redeem a key

To start a new subscription using a key:

To redeem a key, you must start a free trial.

After you sign up for the free trial, you should LOG IN and go to your profile subscription page. Scroll down to the bottom to redeem your key. Doing so will add time to your account.

To renew or extend an existing subscription using a key:

To redeem a key, you must log into your account and go to your profile subscription page. Scroll down to the bottom to redeem your key. Doing so will add time to your account.

Please note that the credit in time should be applied to the new account immediately. If it is not, you should try logging out and then logging back in again. The new expiration date appears at the top of the subscription page, along with a brief popup message that says, "Success! Your key has been redeemed! We have added [x] days on your subscription. Your subscription is now valid until [date]."

If a user redeems a key and receives the message that it is invalid, that key has already been redeemed.

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